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SPAL Geschichte & Highlights

SPAL Geschichte & Highlights

  • established: 1907.
  • based: Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna.
  • league: Serie A.
  • ground: Stadio Paolo Mazza.
  • nickname: Gli Spallini, I Biancazzurri (The White-Blues), Gli Estensi (The House of Este).
  • chairman: Walter Mattioli.
  • manager: Luigi Di Biagio.
  • captain: Sergio Floccari.
  • top scorer: Mario Romani (129).
  • top shower: Giulio Boldrini (287).
  • rivals: Reggio Audace F.C., Bologna, Modena, Parma, Carpi.
  • honors: Not yet.
  • apparel manufacturer: Macron.
  • colors: Light Blue and White.
  • main sponsor: Omega Group.
  • notable players: Johan Djourou, Mirco Antenucci, Pasquale Schiattarella.
  • team mascot: No mascot.
  • last season record: Seria A: 13th Place | Coppa Italia: 4th Round.

Coole SPAL Fakten:

  • 1: In the 1950-1951 season the SPAL coached by Antonio Janni and managed by captain Giovanni Emiliani won the Serie B championship, entering for the first time in Serie A.
  • 2: 1959-60 season was the most successful in Spal's history beacause they finished in 5th place.
  • 3: In 1939 and 1943 the club had changed its name to Associazione Calcio Ferrara and dressed the white - black colors of the Ferrara Municipality.

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